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noticia que Diego Hortiz un soldado del
reximiento fixo de esta Plaza pase
a las Casas del S. D.n Fran.co Bouligny
Coronel de dho reximiento a quien
participe que se sirviese dar la orden
correspondiente para que no se au
sente de esta Ciudad hasta nueba
orden dho Hortiz y a fin que conste, lo
pongo por diligencia de que doy fee==
enmen.do = Pedro = vale
news that Diego Hortiz a soldier of the fixed
regiment of this Post I went to
the House of Señor Don Francisco Bouligny
Colonel of said regiment who
I informed that he was to give the
corresponding order so that said Hortiz
not leave this City until he receives new orders
and so that it is documented, I put
it down as record which I attest==
the correction = Pedro = is valid
