a disposicion de este Gobierno hasta otra
Providencia y se le hara comparecer
ante el Seór Theniente Gobvernador y
Auditor de Guerra, para que declare
sobre lo que convenga interrogarle en
el dia y hora que se le citare.=
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet Caba
llero de la Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de los
R.s extos Governador e Yntendente gral vice
Patrono real de las Prov.s de la Luisiana y
Florida Occidental Inspector de las tropas
Veteranas y milicias de ellas por S.M.
con dictamen del Sr. D. D. Nicholas Maria
Vidal teniente Governador y Auditor
de Grra. de esta dha Prov.a y Asesor gral
del de ella por S.M. y lo rubricaran
en la Ciudad de la Nueba Orleans a tres de
Dre. de mil Setecientos, noventa y dos años
_____ Pedro Pedesclaux
Providencia y se le hara comparecer
ante el Seór Theniente Gobvernador y
Auditor de Guerra, para que declare
sobre lo que convenga interrogarle en
el dia y hora que se le citare.=
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet Caba
llero de la Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de los
R.s extos Governador e Yntendente gral vice
Patrono real de las Prov.s de la Luisiana y
Florida Occidental Inspector de las tropas
Veteranas y milicias de ellas por S.M.
con dictamen del Sr. D. D. Nicholas Maria
Vidal teniente Governador y Auditor
de Grra. de esta dha Prov.a y Asesor gral
del de ella por S.M. y lo rubricaran
en la Ciudad de la Nueba Orleans a tres de
Dre. de mil Setecientos, noventa y dos años
_____ Pedro Pedesclaux
at the disposition of this Government until further
Notice and he will be made to appear
before the Señor Lieutenant Governor and
Judge-Advocate, so that he may make a declaration
about that which it is deemed proper to ask him at
the day and time that is arranged for him.=
Ordered by the Seño Baron de Carondelet Knight
of the Religion of San Juan Colonel of the
Royal armies Governor and general Intendant royal
vice Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana and
Western Florida Inspector of their Veteran troops
and militias for his Majesty
with the judgement of Señor Doctor Don Nicholas Maria
Vidal lieutenant Governor and Judge-
Advocate of this said Province and general Advisor
to its Government for His Majesty and they signed it
in the City of New Orleans on the third of
December Seventeen, ninety two
____ Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Notice and he will be made to appear
before the Señor Lieutenant Governor and
Judge-Advocate, so that he may make a declaration
about that which it is deemed proper to ask him at
the day and time that is arranged for him.=
Ordered by the Seño Baron de Carondelet Knight
of the Religion of San Juan Colonel of the
Royal armies Governor and general Intendant royal
vice Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana and
Western Florida Inspector of their Veteran troops
and militias for his Majesty
with the judgement of Señor Doctor Don Nicholas Maria
Vidal lieutenant Governor and Judge-
Advocate of this said Province and general Advisor
to its Government for His Majesty and they signed it
in the City of New Orleans on the third of
December Seventeen, ninety two
____ Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Declaration of Julien Poydras (Poédras) (November 26, 1792)
Next document:
Notification of Diego Ortiz (December 3, 1792)