y un anos: Haviendo
vistos estos autos y la
culpa que de ellos re
sulta contra todos los
diez y seis negros
que devian hacer le
vantamiento contra
los blancos de este Pu
esto, y su jurisdiccion
remitense Originales
al tribunal superior
del Senor D. Estevan
vistos estos autos y la
culpa que de ellos re
sulta contra todos los
diez y seis negros
que devian hacer le
vantamiento contra
los blancos de este Pu
esto, y su jurisdiccion
remitense Originales
al tribunal superior
del Senor D. Estevan
one: Having seen these
proceedings and the
guilt that results from
them against all the
sixteen blacks
that were going to
revolt against
the whites of this Post,
and its surrounding area
let the Originals be sent
to the superior court
of Señor Don Estevan
proceedings and the
guilt that results from
them against all the
sixteen blacks
that were going to
revolt against
the whites of this Post,
and its surrounding area
let the Originals be sent
to the superior court
of Señor Don Estevan
Previous document:
Declaration of Huber David (July 20, 1791)