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a advertir al referido Dn
Jorge su amo y la decla
rante y Francisca al mis
mo fin, fueron tambien,
y al efecto de refugiarse
y abandonaron sus cava
nas. Que es quanto save
sobre el particular, y la
verdad en cargo de su jura
mento dho que es de edad
como de viente y ocho y
no firmo por que dijo no
saver lo hicieron los
to warn Don
Jorge Olivo their master and
the declarant and Francisca
went as well for the same purpose
and to seek refuge
and they left their huts.
That that is all she knows
of the matter, and is the
truth in accordance with her oath
she said that she is
about twenty eight years of age and
did not sign because she said she did not
know how
